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Your Hunter Valley Magazine

2020 Citizen of the Year Award Nominations Now Open

Nominations are now open for the 2020 Maitland Citizen of the Year and Young Citizen of the Year Award categories.

Council welcomes nomination of people from a wide variety of areas including education, conservation, culture, environment, health, fundraising, charitable and voluntary services, business, arts, sport, schools and any other area that contributes to the advancement or wellbeing of Maitland.

Achievements which will be recognised include a single outstanding achievement in the last year or numerous achievements over many years.

Mayor Loretta Baker says ‘in a year marked by COVID-19 there have been so many people in our community continuing to work hard to do good for Maitland.

‘Although they don’t do it for the recognition, we are encouraging people to take pause and think of nominating someone deserving in the categories of Citizen of the Year or Young Citizen of the Year’.

The most important criteria the judging panel considers are results, good citizenship, determination, creativity, enthusiasm, commitment and a demonstrated search for excellence.

Nominees must reside in the Maitland Local Government Area, be an Australian Citizen and cannot be a previous recipient or nominate themselves for the Award.

Award recipients will be announced at a ceremony to be held on Australia Day, 26 January 2021.Nominations close on Friday 27 November 2020.

For more information about the Awards and to nominate an individual visit and search ‘Citizen of the Year’ or call the Customer Service Team on 02 4934 9700.

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