2020/21 Dollar for Dollar Grant Scheme opens soon!

Cessnock City Council’s 2020/21 Dollar for Dollar Grants Scheme opens on Monday 3 August and they’re calling on sporting, environmental, arts and community groups from across the Cessnock LGA to apply for funding.
Council believes in investing in the community and recognises the invaluable contribution that community groups make to our social well-being, economic advancement, environmental improvement and the development of a vibrant community.
The Grant Scheme is about supporting community, cultural, sporting and environmental projects that improve and enhance community life in our LGA.
Council currently offers four Dollar for Dollar Grant Schemes:
Sporting Facilities
Community Facilities
Community & Cultural Development
Sustainable Communities - Tidy Towns
Cessnock City Mayor, Councillor Bob Pynsent said he is proud of what this grant scheme has achieved over the years, with Council and community groups working together.
“This annual grants program has supported some exciting initiatives in the past and I’m sure this year will be no different.”
“It is a wonderful opportunity for community organisations to get things done that they might not have been able to without the extra funding boost and I strongly encourage local groups to apply,” added Cr Pynsent.
Applications close at 5pm Friday 4 September 2020. The guidelines and application form are available at www.cessnock.nsw.gov.au/dollarfordollar.