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$3.7 million to be invested in local roads!

Your Hunter Valley Magazine

Cessnock City Council welcomed a huge boost to local roads funding with the Australian and NSW Governments making a joint announcement that will see more than $3.7 million invested into three local projects.


The three roads projects include:

  • $1,177,500 for Mitchell Avenue, Kurri Kurri - Pavement resurfacing from Government road to Northcote Street.

  • $757,500 for Cessnock Road, Weston - Pavement resurfacing from Station Street towards First Street.

  • $1,836,000 for Old Maitland Road, Sawyers Gully - unsealed sections of pavement at the northern end of Old Maitland Road will be resurfaced from the end of the existing sealed section, through the section commonly referred to as the 21 bends, heading south from Sawyers Gully Road.

Cessnock City Mayor, Councillor Bob Pynsent said it’s a fantastic announcement.

“This funding enables us to upgrade roads we know are in need of significant improvements. Many residents will be extremely pleased these roads are now getting the work they need to make it safer for motorists. It’s particularly good news for the Old Maitland Road which has been an area of concern for our community.”

This funding is part of $382 million of joint funding announcement allocated to shovel-ready projects able to start in the next 12 months, driving an estimated 3,500 jobs in regional NSW.

Projects will need to be delivered within two years of receiving funding, to ensure that local communities are benefiting quickly. Applications for round two of the program will open later this year.

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