$10,000 grants available for community led disaster recovery

Cessnock City Council is pleased to announce grants of up to $10,000 are now up for grabs to assist with disaster recovery and building resilience.
The Cessnock Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Grant will be open until 14 May 2021.
Council’s Community Recovery Officer, Melissa Boucher said the grants are aimed at supporting communities overcome the social impacts of bushfires.
“Many residents in the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) have experienced the impacts and aftermath of bushfires first hand. This was particularly the case for many in the greater Wollombi Valley, stretching from Bucketty to Paynes Crossing after the 2019/2020 bush fire season. This program is about supporting locally led community recovery activities.”
To apply applicants must meet the following criteria:
· Located within the Cessnock LGA.
· The project must align with a Disaster Recovery Outcome.
· Maximum funding per project is $10,000.
· Be a not-for-profit organisation, local community group, business chambers and industry groups/peak bodies.
· Applicants must have the ability to report on the progress and agreed outcomes of the project.
Contact Council’s Community Recovery Officer, Melissa Boucher on 4993 4100 or email council@cessnock.nsw.gov.au for additional information on the program. The application can be accessed on Council’s website.
These grants are made available via funding from the Bushfire Community Resilience and Recovery Fund.