Maitland City Council has unveiled a proposed streetscape landscape plan to reinvigorate High Street in conjunction with the construction of the Maitland Administration Centre and its associated vegetation plan.
The intent of the proposal is to include numerous large street tree plantings with native grasses and groundcovers in the area, upgrades to the pedestrian crossing, bus stop and restoration of the concrete, sandstone and flagstone pavements.
A gateway plaza that would form a future stage of the project would also feature significant tree planting to create a beautiful green space in the heart of the City.
These plans are in addition to the 56 trees already confirmed to be planted throughout and around the new car park of the Maitland Administration Centre in mid-2022, which include jacarandas, crepe myrtles and water gums.
Although some shrubs and trees will be removed as the Centre's construction continues, including the London Plane tree located on the corner of Devonshire Street, there will be a substantial net gain of vegetation once construction is complete.
The proposal is still in the design stage as consultation with external agencies continues about possible challenges that may be presented due to the location of underground services.
Council's Project Manager Aaron Cook, says, 'we are excited to present our High Street landscape proposal that will tie in seamlessly with the landscaping planned as part of the Maitland Administration Centre.
'We know that the community is passionate about having green spaces spread across our City and we believe this proposal will provide a fantastic addition to Central Maitland, the Centre and the High Street domain.
'We want to assure the community that while some trees will need to be removed as part of the project, it is only to make way for developments that will revitalise the area and, when complete, will include a significant increase in vegetation.'
To find out more information about the Maitland Administration Centre project, please visit