Harbour2Vine Classic

Harbour2Vine Classic
From Rydges Newcastle - Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley
Celebrating its 10th year, the Harbour2Vine Classic (formerly Crowne2Crowne) will see cyclists ride from Rydges Newcastle to Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley, raising funds for Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service.
This year there will be a 58km Classic Ride for casual and experienced riders or an 85km Challenge Ride for elite riders. There will also be a 1km Kids Ride around the grounds of the Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley.
Your ride will include a light breakfast at Rydges Newcastle, two rest stops and lunch at Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley. Have your family join you at the finish line and enjoy lunch for $30 pp. Accommodation packages will also be available to purchase for before or after the ride.
For more information or to register. Visit www.harbour2vine.com.au