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Cessnock Pool Splash Pad Opens

Your Hunter Valley Magazine

Children from Cessnock Local Government Area join Cr Rosa Grine (left to right), Cr Karen Jackson, the Member for Cessnock Clayton Barr, Cessnock City Mayor Jay Suvaal, and Cr Anne Sander to cut the ribbon on the Cessnock Splash Pad.

The Cessnock Splash Pad opened on Friday ahead of free entry to the Cessnock Pool over the October long weekend.


The Splash Pad features a slide, fountains, tipping buckets, deck jets, spray hoops and a mushroom fountain. The project also includes new soft fall, shade structures, seating and new grassed areas.

The ribbon was officially cut on the $1.5m dollar facility by Cessnock City Mayor Jay Suvaal with guests, including the State Member for Cessnock Clayton Barr, Cessnock City Councillors and council staff.

Cessnock City Mayor Jay Suvaal said it was exciting to see this project delivered for the community to enjoy.

“The Splash Pad is an amazing new fun facility and I am sure it will prove to be a very popular attraction, especially for families with younger children,” Mayor Suvaal said.

“It’s so important there are recreational facilities for our fast-growing community.

“I am looking forward to seeing the community at Cessnock Pool for our long weekend of Splash Pad celebrations.”

The concept for the Splash Pad came following significant community engagement to develop the 2019 Masterplan for Cessnock Pool. This $1.5m project has been funded under the Resources for Region Fund, the NSW Stronger Country Communities Program, and Cessnock City Council.

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