Council urges residents to not get left behind, with new freedoms on the horizon for the fully vacc

Fully vaccinated residents of the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) will soon enjoy greater freedoms, with the NSW Government announcing plans for the lifting of lockdowns and easing of outdoor gathering restrictions.
While the stay at home order currently affecting the Cessnock LGA was extended this week, the NSW Government announced lockdown will be eased for those who have received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine when NSW reaches its 70% double vaccination target.
On the Monday after the target is met, freedoms related to movement, retail, hospitality and gathering will be restored, but only to those who have received both doses.
In addition, from Monday 13 September, individuals who are double vaccinated will be able to gather outdoors with up to five other fully vaccinated people.
There are no time restrictions on these gatherings but they must occur in public places and be in a person's LGA or less than 5km from their home. With this in mind, Council will be re-opening all public toilet blocks across the LGA from Monday 13 September.
The roadmap also states that, from Saturday 11 September, LGAs of regional NSW that have not had a COVID-19 case for 14 days will emerge from lockdown, making it possible for fully vaccinated individuals to enjoy freedoms earlier.
Cessnock City Mayor, Bob Pynsent welcomed the news and is urging currently unvaccinated residents to book in their vaccination as soon as possible.
“It’s been a tough couple of years for our LGA. I’d love to see the majority of Cessnock residents out and about enjoying our beautiful region again. Vaccination is the only way forward and I encourage anyone who has not yet booked to do so at their earliest convenience,” he said.
Cessnock City General Manager, Lotta Jackson echoed the Mayor’s message.
“The NSW 70% double vaccination target is expected to be reached in mid to late October. The freedoms that will be extended to those who’ve received both doses will make a huge difference to wellbeing and we don’t want anyone in the Cessnock LGA to be needlessly left behind,” she said.
To book your vaccination, visit the Service NSW website.