Postponed and Cancelled Events
Your Hunter Valley Magazine

Here is a quick guide to events changed, cancelled and postponed due to the recent COVID-19 restrictions:
PigSty in July, Dashville - RESCHEDULED was 3 July, now POSTPONED until Saturday 28th August
Hunter Valley Beer & BBQ Festival - was 14 + 15 August, now POSTPONED until 30th and 31st of October, for more information click here
Hunter Events Bar & BBQ Festival - was 3+4 July, now POSTPONED until Saturday 2 + Sunday 3 October
Winery Run, at Wandin - was 18 July, now POSTPONED until Sunday 10 October
Sydney Comedy Festival Showcase was 13 August, now CANCELLED
Broke Village Markets, Broke - was July 4 CANCELLED
Handmade in the Hunter Markets, Sobels Wines - July 10, July 17 + July 24 Market CANCELLED
The Valley Markets, Singleton - 11 July Market CANCELLED